Day 1: The Adventure Begins. Michigan to Banff

Not sure if the official beginning should be when I actually start peddling or when I left Michigan. After watching my boxed up pride and joy, with all my gear, go into the hands of United Airlines, I decide this is where is begins. Walking away from that box at the ticket counter put me on high anxiety until we will be reunited in Calgary.

Just arrived in Banff. Everything looks ok after the trip

Just arrived in Banff. Everything looks ok after the trip

Got my box after visiting Canadian customs to explain I was here to start biking to Mexico and discovered it was a little tattered and the TSA just had to see how cool my bike really is, because it had their tape all over it. Everything seems to have made it fine, Guess I ‘ll know for sure when I start the reassembly process in the morning.

What an extremely long day. Had a two hour delay leaving Chicago and didn’t arrive in Banff until after midnight local time, so that would be about three am according to my body clock. I’m whipped, overwhelmed and feeling very anxious about what I’m doing. Tomorrow is a new day we’ll see if I have a better outlook in the daylight.

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3 thoughts on “Day 1: The Adventure Begins. Michigan to Banff

  1. patty

    You got this ….I am praying for you. have fun! Don’t sweat the small stuff. Your bike is good? Right? You’re good? How was your day?how far did you go today?


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