Day 16: Helena to Park Lake (25 miles)

Took my time to get going this morning, taking advantage of ‘civilization’. Before doing much of anything it’s back to McDonald’s for some breakfast. As I rode up noticed there were three bikes leaning up against the wall, but only one with bags. The bike these bags were attached to was more of a road bike, definitely not a fellow Divide rider.

I love the fact that McDonald’s list the calories next to each item and that’s what swayed my decision of what to order. With last nights pizza still with me… “A #8 meal please!” 650 cals… Booyah! After getting my breakfast sandwich I spot the obvious biker in the place sitting in a booth reading a book. I ask, where are you riding? His response; Argentina.

His name is Justin and he’s here all the way from Tasmania. Late 20’s with the looks of a professional model, he has an impressive list of places around the world he’s biked. We talked briefly and he showed me this really cool app for finding a place to stay with people who basically let bike riders couch surf. Gonna look more into it later.

Lost count now of how many bikers I’ve met since beginning this adventure and each one has something I can learn from. Whether it be a tip, advice, trail logic or just noticing how they utilize their gear. Justin taught me its ok to slow down a wee bit. You see, I went back to the hotel to pack everything up, that process took me an hour or more. Getting back to the route I had to ride past McDonald’s and as I did, I noticed Justin’s bike was still leaning against the front wall. Figured if he is riding all the way to Argentina and can take time to sit and read a book during prime riding hours, why do I need to be in a rush just to make to the Mexican border?

Riding on I’m amazed sometimes how quickly the route can take you from civilization to the feeling of the middle of nowhere. Leaving south out of Helena has the same feel. Since I left town around noon I stopped to have some lunch about an hour later on the side of the lightly traveled gravel road.

While stopped for lunch I study the map and attempt to plan my timing into Butte because I’m expecting a package from home to arrive at the Butte post office on Monday, (today is Saturday) I need to definitely slow down or I’ll beat the package and have to wait.

First sign I've seen regarding the GDMBR. Just outside Helena

First sign I’ve seen regarding the GDMBR. Just outside Helena.

Decide that I would stop and camp at an area called Park Lake. As I get near the camp area I took what I thought was the road into the camp. About a mile into the road, I found myself looking down on the camp area about half a mile away. Lots of trailers and motorhomes were parked there. Re-assessing the situation I looked at my GPS to discover I had yet taken another wrong turn. I was not headed to the camp but was actually still on the Divide route. No problem this time, this wrong turn was for the better. After seeing all the action going on at that camp I did not want to be camping there. I’ve become accustomed to, and prefer camping alone.

Rode on for another mile or two searching for a good spot to set up camp for the night. Found what is by far the most scenic spot yet. I can still see the campground, at an elevation about 500’ above the lake and about a mile away.

Camping above Park Lake

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